
Life At TekHero

With us, you are expected to execute relentlessly and fail spectacularly. We want you to laugh a lot, enjoy nonstop, and have a blast every minute of working together.

Core Values

Every day, we greet a world of opportunities, disruptive ideas, and technologies with renewed excitement. Six core values guide every decision we make as individuals and as teams.

Be Proactive

Pay attention. Take charge and lead whenever and wherever an opportunity presents itself.

Respect For All

Empathize. Respect others for their uniqueness even when you have a difference of opinions.


Share ideas and opinions without fearing criticism or ridicule. Wild and weird ideas are awesome.

Embrace Change

Change is necessary for growth. Be open to adapting and embracing change whole-heartedly instead of fighting it.

Win as a Team

Be comfortable working with others to reach a goal. Great things are always achieved together.

Create Value

Make work better for all. Contribute relentlessly. Be curious and bring joy and optimism to work.